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IL13-RA2 CAR-T Cell Therapy Clinical Trial

Introduction and Key Funding


Abbie's Army is pleased to announce the finalisation of a new grant to enable the opening of a clinical trial using CAR-T cell therapy for DIPG/DMG brain cancers. This £1.48 million trial, co-funded with the Jon Moulton Charity Trust, will provide 12 patients in the UK with access to the latest and most innovative treatments.

Principal Investigators

  • Dr. Karin Straathof: UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

  • Dr. Martin Pule: Lead of the UCL CAR-T Cell Programme

  • Dr. Aquilina: Neurosurgery Clinical Lead at Great Ormond Street Hospital

  • Dr. Darren Hargrave: Paediatric Neuro-Oncologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital

Dr doing DIPG research

Research and Clinical Application


This clinical trial for 12 patients will be the first 'in-child' use of CAR-T cell therapy targeting the antigen IL13-RA2 for DIPG/DMG children in the UK. The trial represents the second CAR-T technology application for children with brain cancer, following the GD2  'CARMIGO' clinical trial that began in September 2023, also co-funded by Abbie's Army.

Development of New Treatment for DMG


The IL13-RA2 antigen is a protein coding gene present on the surface of DIPG and DMG tumour cells but absent on healthy cells. This specificity allows the creation of a CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) that directs T-cells to recognize and attack cancer cells.

Functionality of the Second Generation CAR


The study features a 'second generation' or 'multi-modular' CAR designed for clinical trial patients in the UK, which could have four distinct functions:

  • Tracking: Targets the DIPG tumour antigen marker IL13-RA2, designated as "A2R72 CAR-T cells."

  • Priming: Enhances the DIPG tumour micro-environment to make the treatment more effective by making T cells resistant to the immunosuppressive conditions surrounding DIPG.

  • Cytokine IL-15 Production: Maintains CAR longevity in the body.

  • Suicide Switch: Allows the effects of the CAR to be turned 'off' if necessary.

Role of Abbie’s Army in Funding


Abbie’s Army is co-funding this crucial clinical trial, ensuring UK children have access to cutting-edge treatments. The charity expresses deep gratitude to its donors and partner DIPG families, whose contributions have made this vital work possible.

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